ARABIAN NIGHTS FOR TURGIS 385 might have been. He smoothed out the writing-pad, and tried to decide whether he should write something short and forceful or long and appealing, Oh, but what was the use of writing! He would see her, speak to her, tell her what he thought while looking her straight in the eyes. He would show her she wasn't dealing with a kid now, but with a Man. He undressed, and, as usual, emptied his pockets. Two tickets, four and six each, for the Sovereign Picture Theatre. And it was she who had suggested it, and she had never even bothered letting him know she wasn't coming, but had just gone out with somebody else, had dressed up, got into a car, and laughed at him or for- gotten his existence. He turned out the light, got into bed, and found himself in a hot salty darkness, his eves life with tears,